Prime Brokerages Assisting With Hedge Fund Marketing

The good news is that the hedge fund industry is about to surpass its high water mark of roughly $2 billion in assets sometime during 2011, reports the Financial Times. The bad news is that the turmoil of the past two years has left the fund industry permanently...

Hedge Fund Marketing and Prime Brokers

Until recently, hedge funds that lacked the resources to hire their own marketing teams often relied on small, independent third-party hedge fund marketing companies to introduce them to big investors. But that’s changing rapidly, according to a recent article...

Hedge Fund Marketing for Small Funds

Here is an interview with Alex Bentley, a partner at Coronado Investments, LLC, a third party marketer. He shares his thoughts on the importance of third party marketing and provides some hedge fund marketing insights for smaller firms. HFMA: It’s a tough time for...
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