Aug 17, 2010 | Regulation, Strategies
You may have heard of a mythical creature called a finder or hedge fund placement agent – somebody, not otherwise connected to the financial industry, who can help you with starting a hedge fund by introducing you to wealthy friends. In return for this informal...
Aug 3, 2010 | Strategies, Technology
Recently we had the pleasure of interviewing Jerry Chrisphonte, CEO of Hedge, to talk about the hedge fund marketing and hedge fund directories. He provides some solid insight for investment marketers. Here is an excerpt from part one of that...
Jul 26, 2010 | Strategies
Institutional investors are swapping funds of funds for direct hedge fund investments. Preqin surveyed 50 global investors from a wide range of institutions including public and private sector pension funds asset managers, insurance companies, banks, foundations,...
Jul 20, 2010 | Strategies, Tools
By all accounts, hedge fund investors – always a skeptical lot – have been more circumspect about their chosen fund managers since the Madoff scandal – and the Stanford, Kerviel, Cioffi and Tannin, Greenwood and Walsh, Cosmo, Petters, Nami, Traynor, Jones, and...
Jul 6, 2010 | News, Strategies
Effectively US hedge funds will find it next to impossible to market into the European Union. When two Bear Stearns hedge funds collapsed in June and July of 2007, the resulting questioning of the safety of investing in hedge funds created an initial political...
Jun 27, 2010 | Regulation
The House and Senate Conference Committee on Friday finished reconciling the two versions of the financial reform bill and some of the major items are going to affect the hedge funds. Over the next week and a half we are going to hear more about the details of the...