Nov 30, 2010 | Basics, Starting a Hedge Fund, Strategies
So you are starting a hedge fund. You’ve just thought up a cool fund name, filed your LLC paperwork, asked your rich uncle for some seed money and had business cards printed up saying you’re the president and chief investment officer of your very own hedge...
Nov 16, 2010 | Strategies
Over the last two years, investors have pulled speculative capital out of risky assets at an unprecedented rate. In fact, analysts estimate there is currently billions of dollars of investment capital on the sidelines as investors are still unsure of the long-term...
Oct 12, 2010 | Hedge Fund Rankings
The Second Coming of George Soros? Global macro hedge funds are back. The strategy, by which funds take positions based on the big-animal-pictures view of global economics rather than firm- or sector-specific factors, made George Soros an incredibly rich man 18 years...
Sep 23, 2010 | Basics, Strategies
Recently we had the opportunity to speak with Chip Perkins, Founder of Perkins Fund Marketing, a third party marketing services firm. He provided some perspective on how third party marketers are adding value in an industry that has changed significantly in the past...
Sep 14, 2010 | Hedge Fund Rankings, Tools
Gordon Gecko was right about greed: It is good. Or at least it makes for a Wall Street movie sequel. Anxiety, on the other hand, is just boring. When investors are no longer feeling greedy but haven’t yet slipped into panic, things get tedious. The good news...
Aug 31, 2010 | Services, Strategies, Tools
The hedge fund industry has been through a time of great change since the market crisis and the institutional sector has become increasingly important to the industry since this time. In August 2010, Preqin released the findings of its latest institutional investor...