Headwinds Faced by Hedge Fund Marketers

Not only did several high-profile hedge fund managers such as John Paulson have a tough year in 2011, it now appears that performance data for the entire industry is being called into question. Research indicates that the aggregate data used by hedge funds to justify...

Hedge Fund Marketing Year in Review

It’s no secret that 2011 was a disappointing year for the hedge fund industry in terms of overall performance. Despite that, investor interest in alternative investments remains strong and the industry is not seeing the spike in redemptions that accompanied the...

Are Hedge Fund Managers Born or Made?

Nature versus nurture? The argument is as old as Sigmund Freud’s first couch and might never be resolved. Still, the question remains for every field of endeavor, hedge fund management included: Do you need to be born with something special to do this well, or...
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