Why Exorbitant Hedge Fund Fees are a Media Myth

Most readers have, no doubt, read or heard Warren Buffet’s tirades against hedge fund fees and the wisdom of investing in index funds, regardless of whether the investment is large or small. Interestingly, the “oracle of Omaha” does not follow his own advice, as...

Are Hedge Funds an Inherently Unsustainable Enterprise?

Financial institutions such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase were founded generations ago. Alternatively, how many hedge funds can be named that have outlived their founders? Of course, the reason is obvious; hedge funds are a product of their...

Why Is Everyone Looking This Gift Horse in the Mouth?

The bull market in U.S. equities is now just over eight and one-half years old, but it is probably the most despised rally in history. Wall Street is behaving as a child caught with its hand in the cookie jar. Even back-to-back hurricanes, one of which engulfed an...

New York City Hedge Funds Need to Prepare for Halloween

We’re not kidding! Early in May of this year, New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio (D), signed a new provision in the New York City Human Rights Law, which prohibits a prospective employer from asking any questions about an applicant’s previous compensation. This law...
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