The Agony of Choosing a Hedge Fund

Choosing a hedge fund in which to invest is a daunting task. Most understand the concept that past performance is not a guarantee of future success…a truly disheartening disclaimer! For many, funds of funds have grown to be a popular means of avoiding an actual...

The Globalization of the Long Arm of the Law

Even as the Trump Administration eases regulatory burden across all sectors of the national economy, our friends across the pond are laboring to fill the vacuum. Beginning May 25, 2018, all organizations, including hedge funds, must conform their data practices to...

In the Land of the Blind, The One-Eyed Man Is King

The results are in! The first month of the second quarter reveals that 4 months into 2018, hedge fund industry gains stand at a paltry 0.38 percent for the year, according to the HFRI. While one might reasonably conclude that the hedge fund industry is reeling from...
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