Imitation: The Most Sincere Form of Flattery

Most following the hedge fund industry are acutely aware that globally, hedge funds have more than $2.2 trillion in assets under management (AUM). This is a staggering sum by any measure and it continues to grow quarter over quarter. However, mutual funds remain the...

Insider Trading—A Regulatory Minefield

If the Internal Revenue Service is the governmental agency most feared by Americans in general, then the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is the agency most feared by Wall Street, in general, and by hedge funds in particular. Illegal insider trading has...

A Pen, a Telephone, and the SEC?

Hardly a day passes without news of one financial scandal or another in the financial services industry, particularly hedge funds, with SAC Capital Advisors, LLC being one of the higher profile examples. Colossal Fines The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has...

Hedge Fund Groupthink – Real or Imagined

The implication of some in the financial media is that hedge funds and hedge fund managers are demonstrating a groupthink or herd mentality with respect to the investments they are making. The argument, which seems ludicrous, may or may not have merit. Of course,...
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