The Corporate World Reacts to Hedge Fund Activism

The past several months bears witness to a dramatic rise in aggressive hedge fund activist attacks. This activism is not directed solely toward small, weak or poorly managed companies as one might expect. On the contrary, large, respected, successful enterprises are...

Hedge Fund Health: a Mid Year Check Up

By any measure, the first six months of 2015 has been a wild ride. The uncertainties swirling around the potential “Grexit”, the on-again, off-again specter of an FOMC rate hike, quantitative easing by the European Central Bank, China’s comparatively sluggish economy...

Both Nature and Hedge Funds Abhor a Vacuum

The passage of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in July, 2010 was largely a knee-jerk reaction to the financial crisis. This sweeping piece of legislation has had, like many legislative initiatives, numerous unintended consequences. For...

Hedge Funds and The OECD’s Global Tax Initiative

As early as the 1920’s, the League of Nations recognized the potential adverse consequences of disparate domestic tax structures on global growth and prosperity, the most significant of which is double taxation. The dizzying pace of globalization has forced the...

Hedge Funds Begin to Embrace Social Media

Hedge funds have been understandably resistant to social media, suffering from a form of post traumatic stress, as a direct result of the eight decade gag forced on them by the general solicitation ban. Hedge funds have a reputation for many things but, social media...
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