Should Anyone Continue to Risk Hedge Fund Investment?

This is a question many investors are voicing, both institutional and retail. Understandably, this is a top of mind concern, given the returns averaged by the industry in the last three years. The S&P 500 experienced around 29 percent growth in those three years,...

The New Year May Breathe New Life into Hedge Funds

Hedge funds, taken together, suffered another bad year in 2016. How bad is still being sorted out and no firm details will be forthcoming here, at least for the time being. Anyone with a basic understanding of the industry knows that gains are difficult to attain in a...

Have Hedge Funds Baked-in a Potential Fed Rate Increase?

If the pundits are correct, the markets have baked in the potential impact of a Federal Funds rate increase. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will meet December 13 and 14, after which its decision with respect to a rate hike will be unveiled. In this...

Is R2-D2 Destined to Be the Next Hedge Fund Titan?

While Star Wars and hedge funds are rarely mentioned in the same sentence, artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms and robot investors have experienced no small amount of play in the financial media. In the broader media, headlines tout the proximity of automated...

How Will Hedge Funds Perform in the Wake of Trump’s Election?

Markets worldwide experienced significant losses as President Elect Donald J. Trump cruised to victory in the wee hours of Wednesday morning; a reaction that, for many, lent considerable credibility to Trump’s rhetoric regarding Hillary Clinton’s close ties to Wall...
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