The Capitulation of Leon Cooperman

Seven months ago, HFMA published Millions in Defense but Not One Penny for Tribute, an article inspired by Leon Cooperman’s SEC insider trading indictment. Recently, Mr. Cooperman forked over $4.95 million to settle the case. Cooperman was not asked to acknowledge any...

Hedge Funds Brace for the Rough Seas of Regulation

In a recent letter to clients, friends and associates, the prestigious firm of Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP, warned readers of the potential Trump’s Executive Order, signed January 30, 2017, holds for changes to Dodd-Frank. In the days following the firm’s letter,...

Hedge Funds Need to Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Gains

Did anyone roll their eyes, just a little, after reading the headline offered by FINalternatives: “HFR Interim Update: Hedge Funds Steady Through Mid-April”.  Anyone? Is it appropriate to applaud the fact that the hedge fund industry is mired in mediocre returns...

Is Automation Inevitable in the Hedge Fund Industry?

The long arc of automation stretches back to the inception of the industrial revolution. Room-sized computers once performed calculations that can now be accomplished by cell phones, which include a calculator as an afterthought. In fact, our cell phones have many...
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