Sep 22, 2011 | Services, Starting a Hedge Fund, Technology
Hedge funds have known for some time the importance of having an effective disaster recovery solution in place. Recent regulations increasingly enforce this as a key principle for business operations. For any system to be effective, however, there are a number of...
Sep 15, 2011 | Services, Starting a Hedge Fund, Technology
For many firms, hedge fund disaster recovery remains an Achilles’ heel – an expensive and seemingly distracting proposition. But planning for potential disruptions and taking the right steps to develop a comprehensive, customized IT disaster recovery plan will...
Sep 8, 2011 | Starting a Hedge Fund, Technology
Business continuity planning. Disaster recovery. BCP. DR. You know the terms. You know investors are looking for them. But do you know what the real differences are between them? Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery have the same goal: to implement...
Mar 30, 2011 | Starting a Hedge Fund, Technology
Cloud computing is attracting a lot of attention these days based on the operational, efficiency and cost-saving benefits these services can provide. Rather than purchasing costly equipment, cloud services allowing fund managers to outsource hedge fund technology...
Mar 16, 2011 | Services, Technology
Hedge funds rely on a myriad of technology systems to maintain smooth operations, however, not all hedge fund technology components need to be managed and maintained in-house by a firm. Outsourcing various components to an expert IT services firm provides numerous...