Hedge Funds Benefit From Seeding

We’ve written before on how prop traders and other talented investment managers are starting hedge funds using “seeder” capital from established hedge funds and private equity firms. Fortune recently examined the flip side of the issue, and why these...

Goldman Sachs to Help Launch Hedge Funds

Goldman Sachs is muscling into an area dominated by Blackstone Group LP, namely, bankrolling those who seek to start a hedge fund. According to a story from Bloomberg, Goldman has been trying to attract investors for a “seeder” fund, which provides startup...

SAC Launching New Quant Fund

The empire founded by Steven Cohen, SAC Capital Management LLC, is reportedly launching a new hedge fund specializing in quantitative trading. It’s the first new fund for the firm in six years. SAC apparently already has “20 teams” of quant traders...

Hedge Fund Marketing and Due Diligence

The hedge fund administration business is booming, but investors need to be aware of the nuances as to how these services work, according to a recent article in Fortune online. Hedge Fund administrators are third-party firms that try to make hedge funds more...

Bodybuilder Launches Brainy Hedge Fund

To say that Sonia Schulenburg is an overachiever is a bit of an understatement. Educated in Mexico City, she moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, where she competed as a bodybuilder while earning her doctorate degree in artificial intelligence. Now she’s starting a new...
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