Hedge Fund Marketers Worried About New California Law

Following the lead of states such as New York, Illinois and New Mexico, California has stipulated that hedge fund marketers who solicit money from the state’s two largest pension plans must register as lobbyists. What’s more, they can no longer be paid an...

Hot IR Chicks for Hedge Fund Marketing?

The people skills needed for Investor Relations at hedge funds don’t always come naturally to the number-crunching quants. So many firms outsource this job to bright, socially competent and, as New York Magazine pointed out recently, aesthetically pleasing young...

Hedge Fund Launches Spike in 2010

The pace of new hedge fund launches picked up considerably in 2010. In total, 260 new funds launched during Q3 alone, according to data from Hedge Fund Research and reported by Reuters. That outpaces the 201 new funds launched in the second quarter, and 224 funds...

Hedge Fund Marketing and Prime Brokers

Until recently, hedge funds that lacked the resources to hire their own marketing teams often relied on small, independent third-party hedge fund marketing companies to introduce them to big investors. But that’s changing rapidly, according to a recent article...
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