Prime Brokerages Assisting With Hedge Fund Marketing

The good news is that the hedge fund industry is about to surpass its high water mark of roughly $2 billion in assets sometime during 2011, reports the Financial Times. The bad news is that the turmoil of the past two years has left the fund industry permanently...

Prop Traders Face Headwinds in Starting Hedge Funds

As the Volcker rule forces many banks to wind down their proprietary trading desks, more and more in-house traders are viewing this as an opportunity to start their own hedge funds. Not so fast, reports Reuters. Traders may be inspired by the success of Goldman Sachs...

Hedge Funds Forced to Tighten Compliance

The arrest and trial of Galleon Group co-founder Raj Rajaratnam has pushed hedge funds to take a new and serious look at their compliance practices, reports Reuters. Firms such as Paulson & Co and Millennium Management have reportedly spent millions to hire former...

The Details of Launching A Hedge Fund

There are many talented people out there who are passionate about investing and manage money during their spare time from their “real” jobs, says Amit Chokshi of GuruFocus. Many are blogging on his and other sites. Still others may dream of hanging out...

The Business of Running a Hedge Fund

The last two years have been “transformative” for the hedge fund industry, and a reminder than managing money isn’t all there is to starting and managing a successful hedge fund. That’s the word according to Merlin Securities in New York, which...
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