May 27, 2016 | Hedge Fund Marketing Strategy
Since 2013 hedge funds have been legally allowed to advertise. So why don’t we see more marketing efforts from hedge funds? The advertising rules change was a result of the JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act) and until recently it seemed as if legal...
May 5, 2016 | Due Diligence, Technology
Every hedge fund faces the challenges of competition, regulation and reporting. Increasingly, hedge funds are adopting the latest innovations of the digital age to meet these challenges. Although some firms choose an in-house approach, many more make the decision to...
Nov 6, 2014 | Hedge Fund Compensation
Hundreds of hedge fund professionals have participated, representing well-known firms and niche players, spanning the full range of experience and roles, including analysts, traders, marketing professionals, portfolio managers and others. The Hedge Fund Compensation...
Jan 14, 2014 | Hedge Fund Compensation
The latest report on hedge fund compensation benchmarks shows these professionals received increases in both base and bonus amounts. The average compensation was up 16 percent in 2013 and totaled $330,000. Bonuses were the primary force for the increases, while base...